
Success is the maximum utilization of the ability you have - Zig Ziglar

We believe that you have all the resources you need to achieve what you want. We can help you discover them all.

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We designed the ReEnergised project to inspire you to stop thinking about your ideas and to start acting on them. Instead of creating beautiful stories in your head we want to help you bring them to life. As the result empower you to start living the life you desire, while also enriching others with your potential and your ideas.

This project is for you if:

  • you don’t know exactly what you want in your life. You are searching, engaging yourself in new projects and have difficulty completing them. You are pretty aware that the best businesses or careers are based on passion but you still struggle with finding your own,
  • you feel that something is holding you back from showing the world what you have to offer,
  • you struggle with motivating yourself to take action and feel stuck with your life,
  • you take actions, but their results are not satisfying you and you still end up in the same place,
  • you dream of a change in your life or you have a perfect vision of your life, but the reality is very different from your dreams, and you do not know how or do not have the courage to change it.

During the coaching sessions you will discover the source of your self-confidence, stop self-doubting, you will be able to solve the difficult or conflict situation you are currently facing, you will discover and remove blockades that stop you from reaching for what you really want, you will discover your superpowers, which will allow you to consciously plan your professional career and use your full potential, you will discover your habits that withhold you from taking action. You will finally be able to move on with your life!


We offer individual coaching sessions in 2-3-week intervals. Each session lasts 60 minutes.


The regular price for one session is 150 PLN or 35 EUR.
We offer up to 3 free-of-charge coaching sessions for the first 2 people who join the project till 15th April 2022.


We accept applications continuously. Coaching sessions begin after individual appointment with the selected coach.


We offer face-to-face meetings in Lublin, Warsaw or Gdańsk in Poland or online meetings on Zoom.
In case of face-to-face free sessions, a working space must be arranged by a coachee.


Individual coaching sessions will be given in a simple, easy to understand English.

The schedule

Opening session

The aim of this session is to establish a coaching goal and a connection between the coach and the coachee. It is also time for a coach and a coachee to make a decision whether to continue with the process. You can quit at this moment if you find there is no connection between you and the coach. If you decide to move forward though, you commit to fully participate for the whole duration of the project.

Regular sessions

Sessions arranged in advance, homework exercises given in-between sessions.

Closing session

The aim of this session is to close and evaluate the coaching process.

Coaches profiles

Agnieszka Pater

Agnieszka Pater

I am a professional business and life coach. I accompany people in their change so they could spread their wings and start doing what they really want. I am a certified  ICF coach and practitioner of Points of You method. I have 12 years of experience working in an international company. As a coach and business practitioner, I will help you build your professional competencies. You will be able explore your strengths and talents and clarify your goals. 

More about me: www.agnieszkapater.pl

Monika Grzesiak-Chmura

Monika Grzesiak-Chmura

I use coaching approach in my daily work and I am very much focused on working in the here and now. I make greatest difference in individual potential development, leadership and developing businesses.

I adopt the tools to individual needs, using a wide spectrum of coaching methods and techniques that are currently available: experimental learning methods, visual methods, provocative coaching, constellations and design thinking tools.

If you need a challenge, I will definitely challenge you!

More about me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/monika-grzesiak-chmura/

Agnieszka Zawiślak

Agnieszka Zawiślak

I am a coach and educator, so naturally in my work I focus on the process involving young people who are just choosing their path – both personal and professional. Thanks to careful conversation, looking at what the young client is pointing out, I help to discover real and personal needs and potential, thanks to which they can create the future based on faith in their abilities and values. I love working with young people, who each time teach me a fresh perspective on life, spontaneity and uncompromise in following dreams.

ReEnergised coaching project is the result of Wider Horizons project co-finansed with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.